In early November, the Nuclear Science Advisory Committee (NSAC) Subcommittee on Quantum Information Science (QIS) released a report entitled “Nuclear Physics and Quantum Information Science.”
Among the experimental, theoretical and computational nuclear physics research activities, the report identifies capabilities and expertise unique to nuclear physics that will advance QIS. Similarly, it identifies nuclear physics scientific objectives and grand challenges expected to benefit from present and future developments in QIS. The work of the nuclear physics community in these areas can support strongly, and on strategic timescales, a national program established by the National Quantum Initiative.
The NSAC is chaired by UW physicist David Hertzog, who leads UW’s Center for Experimental Nuclear Physics and Astrophysics (CENPA) and the QIS Subcommittee is chaired by fellow UW physicist, Martin Savage, a Professor in the UW Department of Physics and a Senior Fellow in the National Institute for Nuclear Theory (INT).
Read the full report here.